We adopted TESSA from Ken and Lori 3 years ago. Tessa is fabulous. She was called ROBIN when we adopted her, but now is definitely a Tessa. She was found wandering the streets of Reno and was heartworm positive when Ken and Lori took her in. They paid for her treatment and she’d just been medically cleared when we saw her. Tessa must have been abused and not exposed to many things. She was terrified of men and any loud noise when we adopted her.
Now, loud noises still frighten her (not as bad as it once was) but now she’s more comfortable around men. It took Tessa about 6 months to find her voice but now she’s wonderfully loud when playing or alerting us that someone’s at the door. Tessa is a valued member of the family and travels everywhere with us. She enjoys her new brothers and sisters (3 cats and a Lhasa Apso). She is loving, friendly and very playful! Although Tessa isn’t sure what to do with dog toys, she’s taught my son and hubby how to be her personal wrestling partners.
We’re thankful each day that we have Tessa. I could write on forever about the joy of having Tessa! Thank you Ken and Lori for saving her.
We were in Reno this past weekend for our yearly fishing adventure, but didn’t have time to stop by. We’ll pop by next time and maybe even bring Tessa!
Stephanie Mello
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