10 Puppies

We did an intake of a litter of puppies. We have just a few left up for adoption. Adoption fee is $750 per puppy. Fenced yard is required , previous…


Very Loving dog and is Heart Worm Free. has had all her shots, she Hates other dogs, and cats. she is 5 yrs old. If you are interested in Astrid…


Louise loves attention and is a wonderful girl, easy going, She likes other dogs as long as they are not at her house. She wants all the attention. She does…


Frank is a long hair Saint that is about 2 yrs. old. He was found as a stray in CA. He is very loving, and sweet. He wants to be…


Dean, is a long hair Male Saint. He was a stray in CA. We think he is @ 2 yrs old. He is very friendly and loves attention. He gets…


Boba, is a long hair female Saint. She was owned by a couple in CA she is five years old, she was turned in due to the owners medical issues.…

Maverick Saint Bernard

Maverick is getting ready to turn 2 in about a month. He came in with Duncan and Rumble. All these boys just want to be loved. They would love to…

Rumble Saint Bernard

Rumble. What a great name for a boy who just wants to be a couch potato. He is 4 years old. Will be fully vetted prior to his adoption. He…

Turk Anatolian Cross

Turk was turned over to AC in a small community to be euthanized because he "stepped on the new puppy". Ten years old and discarded like he meant nothing. AC…

Duncan Great Pyrenees

No we know this isnt a Saint bernard. But this big sweet 6 year old boy came in with two saints. He is just amazing. Gentle with other dogs big…